Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Rainbow Veins by Owl City

Here is an awesome song.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Hot Air Balloon by Owl City

Here is a song a love. You should too.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Love Me by Justin Bieber

Here is an amazing song by Justin Bieber. I hope you like it.

Favorite Girl by Justin Bieber

Here is a song I really like by one of the most amazing singers ever, Justin Bieber.

Vanilla Twilight by Owl City

Here is another Owl City song I love. I hope you do too.

Owl City

Owl City is the most amazing band ever! They sing songs like Fireflies, Vanilla Twilight, Hot Air Balloon, and Rainbow Veins. If you have never heard them before then you should go to a music website and look up their songs right now!
Here is a video for Fireflies by Owl City:

Thursday, August 20, 2009


We ended up getting second place in our softball tournament. Our sponsor was Drain Tech. After the game we went to Dairy Queen. I think we had a pretty good year. I hit the ball every game. I got several outs on third and second. I always got to fill in for people like in the outfield when they were gone. I wish next summer were already here so we can start fresh again on Bronco.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Holiday World and Splashin Safari

On Sunday I went to Holiday World in Santa Claus, Indiana like I do every year. This year I rode the Voyage and it was amazing!!!!!!!! If you have never rode the Voyage before on your next trip to Holiday World you should definitely ride it. I'm pretty sure we rode all of the water slides that are there. We also rode really fun things like the Liberty Launch, the Raven, and the Revolution. Holiday World isn't the best theme park I have ever been to but, every time I go my whole family has a blast. If you have never been to Holiday World before then I am telling you, you should go as soon as you can.

Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts is a game that is like a mix between Final Fantasy characters and Disney characters. In the beginning of Kingdom Hearts one and two there is a little clip that has songs sung by Utada Hikaru called Simple and Clean and Sanctuary. If you want to listen to Simple and Clean click on the video right above this post and if you want to listen to Sanctuary go to and type in kingdom hearts 2 Sanctuary (opening English). I hope you like the songs. There is a new kingdom hearts game for Nintendo d s called: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days. There are no stores currently carrying this item because it is not coming out until September 29th and you should really buy it if you own a Nintendo d s. If not then you should probably buy one if you want to play the game.

6th Grade

I will be starting the 6th grade on August 24th. We just finished school supply shopping a couple days ago. We ended the shopping with going to the mall and buying a blue aeropostale backpack. I'm really exited about the sixth grade. I want to know what teacher I get and if my friends are in my homeroom. One of my favorite things about school is switching classes, because you have different people in your class than in the class before. Plus if you don't like a teacher, that is fine because you aren't with them the whole day. Although we only started switching classes last year, I really enjoy doing it now. I hope you like school as much as I do.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I really like to play softball especially when my friends are on my team. Sometimes I get really competitive . Though some people say it doesn't matter if you win or lose it just matters if you try your hardest and have fun, everybody knows it's a lot more fun if you win. Our last game got rained out and we had to stop the game before that because it was lightning. I was kind of mad because we were losing, but we were catching up. The score was 9 to 6, it was the bottom of the 2nd inning, our team had no outs, I was about to hit, and the game had already lasted a whole hour. We are going to finish that game soon, but I am not sure when. We have another game tonight at 6, and I am kind of worried because the team we are playing tonight beat us last time we played them. We will try our hardest though, and hopefully we will beat them tonight.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Summer break started on the third. I am glad because I can stay up late, but not too late. I can't stay up to late because I have to wake up early for things like Mulan rehearsal, basketball camp, and softball practice/games. I am daughter in the Mulan play for pyramid players. The play will be on June 25th at 7:30, the 27th at 7:30, and the 28th at 2:00 p.m. At our school we are doing a basketball camp to get ready for the basketball team next year. It's only for girls going into 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Softball games are really fun, but I hate it when we lose. Tonight I have a game at 8 p.m. It will probably last until 10:30, because it usually does. Even though I have to get up early sometimes, I love the summer.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

spring break

I know it has been awhile but a couple of weeks ago during spring break we headed to Memphis. In Memphis we went to the Memphis zoo and then went to eat dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. Then we went to our hotel in Arkansas to get some sleep. The next morning we went to Graceland (Graceland is the name of Elvis' house). It was really cool in one room there was fabric on the couches, walls, and ceilings. In another room he had a 15 foot couch. After that we went to Mississippi to a museum and to dinner at the Hollywood 50's diner. Then again we went to sleep at the hotel. In the morning we headed home. On the way home we stopped one last time in Missouri to eat at Lambert's Cafe. Overall, I think it was a pretty good trip.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool's Day

Glitter Words
[ - *Glitter Words*]

Here is something I read about how April Fool's Day was started ."More than any other day of the year, April 1 is the day for pranks, jokes, and foolish acts. A joke may be telling a person there is a hole in his sock or a smudge on her nose. As the victim looks for it, the trickster laughs and shouts "April Fool!" No one knows for sure how April Fool's Day started. The most common belief is that it began in France in the early 1500s. At that time, people observed New Year's Day on March 25. Celebrations lasted for a week, ending on April 1. On the last day of the celebration, people sent each other gifts or invited them to parties. Then in 1564, King Charles IX decided that New Year's Day should be January 1. Many people did not want to change to the new date they continued to celebrate the new year on April 1. Others thought these people were foolish or old-fashioned. They sent the foolish ones silly gifts or phony invitations to parties that never took place. The jokers thought this was great fun. They continued to play tricks on people on April 1, even after everyone in chance had changed to the New Year's date. As other countries switched to New Year's Day from April 1 to January 1, they, too, took up the custom of April fooling. April Fool's Day has been an American tradition from the time the first colonists came to settle in the New World. Though not a legal holiday, it's a special day when many people plan silly pranks and try to fool their friends."

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Icarly : I look alike

There was a new Icarly episode on Saturday. It is called I look alike.

If you have not seen it yet you should. It is about when Carly, Sam, and Freddy find people that look like them and use them so they can go to a fight.

Hopefully I did not give away too much if you haven't seen it yet.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Life of a Bored Kid

This is a story I wrote, and it is completely fictional.

The Life Of A Bored Kid

My name is Andy. Andy Simpson the third. I was named after my dad and my dad was named after his dad, my Grandpa. You are probably wondering why I'm
typing well it is because the fact that I'm bored. Yeah that is right I'm just sitting here wasting your time. Today is October 24, 2010. There is nothing to do at my house it is so stupid. I'm sure your house is way better than mine. My house is orange and black because we keep it painted all year for Halloween. I know it might sound cool but trust me it is far from it. Today we went camping. By we I mean me, my dad, and my little sister Abby. She is so annoying. My mom and dad think she is cute but I think she is pure evil. For example the last time we went camping she cried and cried to go home so we had to go home and it ruined our camping trip. (on the way home she was staring at me with this big evil grin) So yeah now you know how evil she is. I can tell you way more stories about her except for the fact that it is 12 am and it is a school night. Plus my parents think I'm asleep so I gotta go.


Ok now it is the 25th of October and guess what? I'm bored again. Yay I can waste your time today too. Isn't that cool! I'll answer that for you no it is not because I have nothing better to do than tell you about my life. I was very tired today at school and fell asleep (which I do every day). Oh yeah I forgot to tell you I am in the 5th grade and am 12 years old (like I said I'm dumb and failed a couple of grades). I'm reading this cool library book that is called "We Like Eggs"
by some wierdo guy but the book is cool. Yeah I know suprising I'm reading a book. Except for the fact that I have had it for 2 weeks and really kind of not started it yet but it still counts as reading it right? Today is a Friday and we had a half day so it is only 3 pm now. I'm going to go to the bathroom so I'll be back hold on.
(7 hours later:10 pm). Yes I finally beat that video game! Did I say video game? I mean bathroom. Wait I finnally beat that bathroom? That doesn't make any sense. Anyway my dad said I have to do the dishes so bye for now!


Yo Guess who? Yup me Andy! Another thing is it is Saturday and I did not get my usual 4th hour nap cuz well you know Saturday there is no school. It is Oct. 26th. You know how most kids like weekends? Well I don't because my house is stupid and boring! Hey did I tell you I'm bored today? no? Well that is surprising! Actually not really because if your smallish brain can remember I did not get my nap today. Oh bored bored bored. What should I do? I mean being a stupid person that does not even reply would be so much cooler than talking to one! I am just kidding. Ok moving on I think my favorite food is biscuits. Oh the phone is ringing I have to go.
Bye I'll see you tomorrow. Wait I won't see you I'll talk to you or type to you. Ok bye.


Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh! It is October 27th and Sunday. I'm crying because meanie head Abby woke me up and it is only 6 am. Ok. I have a secret. Do you want to know what it is? I'm bored. Wait that is not all, I'm bored again. That was all. Ow that hurt! Do you want to know what hurt? Nothing I just wanted to say ow that hurt. haha! Isn't that funny? Well maybe not to you but it is to me. I only have 15 minutes until I have to take a shower because we have to go to church. I think that cheese should be an ice cream flavor. I mean who wouldn't buy that. My mom said I have 8 more minutes until shower time. I'd better hurry now um
I have not told where I live have I? I live in Indiana in a 3 story house but for the last time it is not cool. 3 minutes left. So I guess I'll go. bye.


Hi it is October the 28th and a Monday again that means I will get a nap. Yay!!!!! Oh my gosh! I think I just broke my mom's vase. whoops! Well I'm gonna go to my room so maybe my mom will never notice. Ok I 'm in my room now. Hey I forgot that I'm getting my new phone today! Yay! My dad is at the store right now. Wait! He is home! Shweet!! Well hold on I'm gonna give all of my friends my number. Ok I'm back. What should I do? I know what to do! I should answer the phone because it is ringing. Hello? Yes this is him. Oh ok. Yeah sure. Bye. That was my friend Andie. I know what your thinking he has the same name as me. So what? Who cares? Not me. Woo hoo. I'm so happy. Really I am. Not! Hey I'm gonna go get a burger for lunch bye.


Zap!! Haha! Yeah it is me Andy and I just zapped the master of doom on my game. In a few hours my cousin will be here. He is 10. His name is Zane. Since he is only 2 years younger than me it is like having a friend over. Blah oh blah blah is basically all I can think of. Oh yeah it is Tuesday, October 29th and school was pretty boring today. You know why? Of course you don't because you were not there! I am so bored and you are probably tired of hearing me say this but I can't think of anything else to say. Oh wait a second the phone is ringing. Hi? Leave me alone! Ok goodbye. That was Abby calling from downstairs. She makes me so mad! One time she was going on and on to dad about how she got all A's and B's. Then she was talking about how on my report card I got 5 D's and 2 F's and how her grades were so much better than mine. I mean seriously dad has no business knowing my grades anyway! Now I am mad so I am going to leave. Goodbye.


It is me. I am sad. Do you know why? Well I really don't care if you know why because I am going to tell you anyway. It is the 30th of October and the day before Halloween. I'm sad because I have been thinking about candy. I have also been thinking that I am too old to go Trick - or - Treating. Do you know what that means? That means I will die of a disease that I will think of in a few minutes. All because I did not get my Halloween candy. Now isn't that a tragic tale? That is why I thought of having a Halloween party where everyone is invited, as long as they bring me at least 50 dollars worth of candy. Sounds fair right? Of course it does. I mean they get to go to a party and I get millions of pieces of candy. Oh no! my mom told me to clean my room an hour ago! If she finds out that I have not even started yet then I will not get to have my party! I got to go! cya!


Hi. Andy here, and have I got big news! Today is Thursday and we don't have school because it is Halloween. All day today I will be planning my party it will be so cool! Now I am going to the store to buy snacks and decorations and stuff. ( 1 hour later) Hey. I'm back. Guess what I bought? I bought potato chips, bread, cheese, beef jerky, string, and a paper sack! You are probably wondering what exactly these things are for but it is actually pretty simple. The chips are for putting in a bowl and giving them to people. The bread is for making toast. The cheese and beef jerky is for me right now to snack on. The string is for decoration and the paper sack is for a game. Oh no! it is 4 o' clock and the guests are coming at six!
I gotta get ready I am still in my pj's! cya.


Ding - dong. The guests are here! Hello Mark, hi Erin. Wow there is a lot of people here! Woah look at all of that candy! Hi Andie! Alright everyone. We will start by eating our toast and chips. Oh, you want to play games now? Ok. Now everyone write your name on a piece of paper and put it in this box. I will draw three names and you three will race. The winner gets ten pieces of my candy, but I get to pick out the pieces. Now lets start. Alright now all of the names are in the box. The first name is my friend Andie, the second name is Ellie, and the third name is Spencer. Are u ready? Ok. On your mark, get set, go! (3 minutes later) The winner is Spencer here is your candy.
Hey guys I am tired so will you leave now? Yes they are leaving! Bye.


Hy-yah! I'm Andie and guess what? It is Dec. 1 and I realized that yesterday I had a party and I was not bored! It is a miracle! Right now I am calling
everyone that came to my party to invite them to my Christmas party. I am back. That was a lot of phone calls but no one answered. I think that is because
it is 6am. Anyway I should keep up this party thing so I will never be bored again. I mean maybe I can get presents out of this party I should start
making a list of what I want. Hold on. I am back and that was all of my friends from the
party and every one of them said they will not come to my Christmas party because they did not like my Halloween party for some stupid reason. I am
now officially bored again. Great! Bye.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fred on Icarly

The most awesome person ever was on Icarly the other night. His name is Lucas Cruikshank and he stars in a computer show called Fred. You have to check it out!! Go to:
He acts as a six year old kindergartner that is very hyper! If you saw the episode of Icarly called I meet Fred then you saw in the beginning a video of the Fred episode : Fred goes swimming.
You probably saw the video at the end too. I liked it.

Nintendo Wii

I got a new Nintendo Wii on Friday night. I really like Guitar Hero World Tour. It is really fun, but I am best at the guitar. I also like tennis on Wii Sports. I think you should buy a Wii (if you don't already have one). I have several games already. I have Cooking Mama, Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility, Summer Sports, Guitar Hero World Tour, Carnival Games, and Wii Fit.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Livin on a prayer chipmunk'd

This is a song by Bon Jovi called livin on a prayer sung by the chipmunks.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Found by Margaret Peterson Haddix

There is this book you might of heard of by Margaret Peterson Haddix called Found. It is the best book I have ever read. It is about a thirteen year old boy named Jonah (my name) that is adopted. He meets this boy named Chip that is also adopted, later they get involved with the FBI and a big mystery. Then Jonah, Chip, and Katherine (Jonah's sister) see people that can appear and disappear whenever they want to. In the end he has to pick between two different people to go with but how can he do that when both sides are terrifying? Found is the first book in The Missing Series, the second book called Sent does not come out until August 29, 2009. Which kind of stinks because I finished Found over Christmas break and I can not wait to read Sent, but August seems so long away. Anyway I hope my description has encouraged you to read Found and I hope you enjoy the book!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Series Of Unfortunate Events

I really like to read. There is this series of books that I really like. It is called The Series Of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket and there are 13 books in the series. Then there are 2 books that go along with the series called The Beatrice Letters and The Truth Behind A Series Of Unfortunate Events. I have all of the books but I am only on book 6: The Ersatz Elevator. The main characters are Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire, the banker named Mr. Poe, and the bad guy named Count Olaf. If you get the books before you read them you have to read the back. I don't know about your school but my school has the books in our library. I hope you will read the books because I am sure you will love them.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


You have heard of Icarly right? Anyway it is one of my favorite shows. It is about two girls named Carly and Sam that have a web show. Then there is their friend Freddie who does the computer work for their show. If u want to listen to there fav music, read there blogs, and more, go to

Friday, January 9, 2009

Calling all Suite Life On Deck fans!

I really like this show called The Suite Life On Deck and tonight they are showing all of the episodes and I think they are showing a new one. This show stars Dylan and Cole Sprouse, Brenda Song, Phill Lewis, and Debby Ryan. If you want to hear the theme song click below:

The Suite Life on Deck Theme Song

And if you want to play games for that show click below:

The Suite Life on Deck Games


Okay I know I have not blogged in while and it is because I have been doing homework and stuff like that. So I have not had time to. This week like everyone started back to school from winter break. Which means getting up early (and you are not used to it because you probably have been staying up all night the whole winter break). Now school is kind of fun and kind of not because I do not like everything we do. I still enjoy some things we do at school like essays. I love writing essays in Language Arts class. Plus our teacher is very nice ( times infinity). Now that it is close to that not so fun time for people that live in Illinois we are preparing for it. Now I would imagine that you probably know what that not so fun time is if you live in Illinois. If you don't here is a big hint it is called I.S.A.T.. Which means tests, tests and even some more tests. Other than that and a couple other things school is great.